Assalaamualaykum ya sayyidi
Thank you for the responses to my emails. Insha Allah i feel more peaceful now. I try to learn how to accept. Everything is from Allah almighty, including the process how i get to naqshabandi.
Thank you sayyidi for the guidance. Forgive me for my behavior & asking too many question.
May Allah raise Maulana Sh. Nazim, Maulana Sh. Hisham, Maulana Sh. Adnan, all the shuyukh in naqshabandi, all my brother & sister in naqshabandi to higher maqam.
Please send salam to Maulana Sh. Nazim from me. I love him & miss him so much. I am not a good follower, please send him my apology for that.
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you to become the best of Naqshbandi murids.
Taher Siddiqui