Salaam Alykium,
Please ask shaykh to pray for me. I have messed so many things up, even in Ramadan. And now, in the last 10 days I feel a loss right to my heart. Inshallah, I plan to pray and seek the night of power, and I am praying and making taubah and doing dhikr, please ask shaykh to pray for me, that I grow and not become stagnant in the religion, that I continue on the right path, inshallah.
Wa Salaam, and thank you.
wa `alaykum salam,
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.
Insha-Allah Allah is accepting your penitence and your sincere fasting and prayers and you are among utaqqa ar-Rahman, those saved by Allah’s Mercy and Blessings. That feeling of loss is a heart signal that you will be restored what you have lost, insha-Allah. May Allah open to you in Shawwal the secrets of what He bestowed on you in Ramadan.
Taher Siddiqui