aslamualykum wrb wb
My beloved saydi im a bad one everyone hates me people call me names saydi what shall i do i hav no one apart from mawlana you were do i go no one understands me mawlana i have no one to tell my distress to im all alone in this world a lost person saydi im sooooo sorrry im a bad murid dont deserve anything… saydi love you soo much saydi forgive me for my bad adab. May Allah bless you with a long life ameen
wa `alaykum salam,
We are all sinners and no one is above reproach except the prophets and their inheritors. Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you and may Allah bless you.
Keep the Adab of Rajab and insha-Allah things will open up for you.
Taher Siddiqui