As salamu alaikum. plz give my salam to sultan ul awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and Sheikh Hisham Kabbani.
I am writing on behalf of my friend who’s son is not willing to stay with parents .He stays in other city and does not listen to the parent and not following the religion anymore.Also wants to marry a Christian is not ready to accept the girl.His mom is very worried and asking mawlana’s prayer.plz mawlana give some advice and wazifa so she can follow to guide her son back to religion and stay connected with him.She wants to know what she should do now.
As salamu alaikum
Recite Yaa Muqallib al-Quluub, thabbit quluubanaa ‘alaa Deenika wa Taw’atika Yaa Rahiim 100x a day with the intention that Allah turns the son’s heart towards His religion and his family. Try to maintain relations and communications with kindness and gentleness. Insha Allah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will also pray for the family.
Abdul Shakur