Prayer Request: Standing alone in a family of muskhrikeen


Salaam Aleikum most honorable Sheikhs,

I am a revert Muslim turned into a deep mu’min until recently through the grace of Allah. Due to my divorced status, I face all kinds of names and have to face lots of slander against me. But I am patient and I am silent.

Alhamdulillah, I have Allah, the most High, the most Beloved, I have the Prophet’s (sallalahu alayhi wa salam and the Sheikhs (elhamdulillah, I am a mureed and practice daily awrad). I am deeply in love with Allah. However, I am in a mushrik country and am relying on Allah a lot. Please pray for me to leave this country, marry a true mu’min and be among blessed mureeds who are cleansing their hearts and souls as well as get to follow the halal openly and properly. I humbly beg.

Jazakallahu khaira



We pray that Allah Almighty shall grant you more support and dress your heart with serenity and steadfastness in faith.

Recite “Hasbiy-Allah wa Ni’ma l-Wakeel” and “Laa Hawla wa laa Quwwata illa billahi l-‘Aliyyi l-‘Azhim” 100x with the intention to make easy for your needs and aid your situation.

In case you are finding it difficult to move to other (Muslim) countries, you may wish to move to a city with a greater Muslim population – the chances for community support that you can rely on is higher and perhaps an opening shall appear to you.

Abdul Shakur

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