Assalalu alaikum ya Sayyedy
I am going through a very complicated divorce case right now. At stake is the custody of my three children.False accusations are brought against me to force us to return to a highly controlling and abusive situation. I have made Istikhara and have consulted with Beloved Shaykh before coming here to file for divorce. AlhamduLillah, doors have opened for us in ways that I could never have imagined possible. I humbly ask for my Shaykh’s continued support and prayer during this difficult time.
Jazakum Allah Khayran
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wabarakatuh
Wa `alaykum salam,
We pray Allah(swt) make it easy for you in everything with Mawlana’s baraka.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani