Prayer Request: Urgent, Please Help Us!


as wr wb Mawlana Sh. Hisham May allah bless Sh. Nazim, and all of you.

My life with my husband is on the brink of destruction. We are constantly fighting, not talking, or saying things to each other that we regret. My brother married my hubands’s sister. Ny mother & sister are probably doing sihr to destroy us. My sister-in-law said someone she doesn’t know approached her & said someone (and named my mothers name) is wanting to destroy all four of us and that there is a taweez in their home. My husband is OK with me sometimes, other times he hates me and says I ruined his life. Even tonight there was a HORRIBLE fight! My husbnad & i are mureeds, we wear Mawlana’s taweez & it’s everywhere in our home its on the walls & windows. Please pray for all four of us!



Insha-Allah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will pray for you. Everyday recite “Ya Haleem” 100x and “Ya Hafiz” 100x without fail, and as much Salawat on Prophet (s.a.w.) as you like. These dhikr shall bring calmness and peace in your hearts, Insha-Allah.

Abdul Shakur

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