Prayer Request: Want to do my Own business


Assalam Alyqum Respected Sir,

My name is [private]. My fathers name is [private], (please keep our names secret on web). Right now I am doing job in a private Web and Mobile Development company. Masah Allah my salary is good. But I want to do my personal business and my father and my family also wants to see me doing my private business. But as of now I cant see any sign that I will do my own business. So please do dua for me and my family for success in our work. And I also want to become very rich and wealthy. Please do dua for us.

Jazakallah, may Allah bless you all.


Walaikumas-Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Recite Ya Allahu Ya Razzaqu x100 per day with the intention of doing halal business.
Recite Shukranlillah wal Hamdulillah x100 per day for thanking Allah for the current job you have.

Syed Shahzaman

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