Assalaamu’alaykum.. Selawat and blessings be upon Rasul’Allah (saw) and his holy family. This request is from my wife, [private] 23 yrs old in [private], Indonesia. We’ve been married for 3 months and wishing for a child soon, if Allah wills. However, during a health check, my wife was diagnosed for having problem with hormones and constriction in her tuba falopii (a tunnel connecting womb to ovarium). And I’m diagnosed for having problem with hormones too. We fear that we will have difficulties to have a child. Oh syaikh, in humbleness we ask you please pray for us to Allah so that we can get a child soon and good health. We’ve been praying too and give charity. Thank you so much. Salaam, [private]
InshaAllah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will pray for you. Refer to this posting.
Abdul Shakur