As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
Respected Brother,
I read on your website about Taweez. You have 2 or more picture of taweez. One is in Red and other one is green.
Can you send me the taweez picture, please?
Your document also mentions to hang it. Does that say I have to hang it on the walls(4) and the door and all the windows of my room? Should that taweez picture face outside , if a evil spirit or jinn want to enter through my window. He sees the taweez and he knows he can enter it my bedroom or the taweez should face inside. So when he come, he can’t enter and he doesn’t know how he can enter or what is blocking him to enter.
And another document protectionagainstevil.pdf. You mentioned about a picture of Sultan Awliya Grand Sheikh MSN. That evil can’t look at an awliya face. There is a slight problem. I usually pray in my bedroom and when I have free time I go to the local Masjid. I once heard that we cannot hang picture in a room where people perform Salaat. Can you confirm this saying? Is it true?
Can you also give dahwa of Surah Yasin?
Dear brother,
wa `alaykum salam,
You may hang tawiz on walls, and if you have the stickers put them on the windows facing outwards.
Our Shaykhs turn pictures over or cover them at prayer time.
And Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui