Advice Requested Ya Shaykh!


Assalam-Alaikum Shaykh:

Shortly after I took online bayat (which I hope is accepted), I fell into a major sin. And my mother, who, alhamdullilah wa shukrulillah, is able to see true dreams tells me that Allah is pleased with me, but I am not able to let myself believe her because in her dreams she sees me enjoying worldly success but that does not equate to aakhirah success in my mind. Can you please advise me what the real matter is?

My name is [private].

May Allah bless Sheikh Nazim and all the saints and the righteous and give all Muslims from His mercy. Allahuma sale ala Muhammdin wa ala ale Muhammadin wa sallam.


wa `alaykum salam,

Recite astaghfirullah 700 times daily.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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