Advocates sent by Sheikh Nazim


A female mureed in UK is claiming to have been given authority by sheikh Nazim to advise families with regards to personal matters that concern them. She claims to have psychic abilities and will reveal private secrets that only the mureed asking apparently knows about. She wins their confidence and then prys into their affairs. This has happened to my sister we noticed changed for the worse recently is extremely aggressive and defensive in nature as this woman has told her we hate her and her father does not love her, we are not on the right path and that she is and should only confide with her. My sister has gone against us and this woman stalks victims on Facebook in boxing them as she has done to me and in-boxes offensive comments about our so called lack of deen.I have this lady’s name should you require it.


Sowing dissension is the work of shaytan as is prying and abusing on Facebook.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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