Asma Al Husna Jalali and Jamali


Assalamu aleikum!
I read recently that the 99 names of Allah are divided to 2 groups – the names of the attributes of majesty of Allah – Asma Jalali, and of beauty of Allah – Asma Jamali. I have found only one article in internet on this topic but the names are written there in Arabic by very bad illegible handwriting and I can’t understand it

Would you be so kind to write me them in English and also to supply any other information about jalali and jamali names. This is the only page I have found about it


`Alaykum Salam,

The 99 Names of Allah can be alternately described as Names of Majesty
or Names of Beauty according to their referring predominantly to
severity or predominantly to mercy respectively. Names that denote
Tanzih (transcendence) such as Quddus, Muta`al, Ghani belong to the
first category unless they also have a second meaning of mercy to them,
such as al-Salam. And Allah knows best.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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