Beautiful fragrance


Assalamo Alaikum Ya Syedi

i want to ask you about a beautiful whiff of rose that enters my brothers bedroom, it comes at night and gives the beautiful scent as if one is in a garden, it stays for a while and then leaves, my brothers wife is pregnant and it seems to happen where ever she goes, recentley she was at her cousins house for a few nights and she noticed it happened there and now she came back home it has started there anything my brother and his wife should do at the time this scent fills there room ? is it Mowlanas presence ?


wa `alaykum salam,

Mash’allah she is blessed to have that experience and your inspiration about its origin are correct. InshAllah that is the presence of His Eminence, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani and when it occurs you should acknowledge him and send salaams [silently if there are othersĀ  in the room who are unfamiliar with such divine emanations] and also make du`a in your heart so that he may take your request to the Divine Presence.

Dr. Aziz Hussein

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