Cockiness to Allah (swt) and Prophets pbuh


Assalam u alaiku wa rahmatullahe,

About 8 years ago I started to accept every situation and every problem from destiny and Allah swt, and tried to not react against people. Everything changed, I was losing everything, had no success in my job, no money, family problems, no health, no country. Once I had a bad day I could not control myself and I did cockiness to Allah and Prophet pbuh. Since, I regret it and am asking for forgiveness. I don’t know if Allah swt and Prophet pbuh forgive me or not but I can’t forgive myself.  Tell me what to do. Please. May Allah give you reward for it.

Wa salam



Perhaps you were young and did not learn much about Islam. Now you may be older and wiser. Then keep on seeking knowledge of your religion and do good deeds with good intentions. If you have made repentance already, perhaps Allah Almighty has accepted that.

Abdul Shakur

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