May Allah (swt) raise your stations. Ameen. Please forgive for bad adab.
To clear my confusion and need your spiritual guidance on this issue. As a couple, we have taken baya and are followers of MSN. We attend the weekly dhikr as often as we can in our town. The confusion is here, after attending the dhikr both of us face challenges in our daily life and also in our relationship. I am constantly feeling why does this happen after the dhikr or some holy event that takes place in the center. My understanding is that after such occasions the barakat should increase in our lives, instead we face a lot of challenges even in small things. If we don’t go for the dhikrs the life goes on normally and peacefully; Astaghfirullah : we do our recitations and practices at home. We need your support and dua.
Thank you
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Allahumma salli ala Muhammad ala ali Muhammad.
As Salaam alaikum,
Know that there is immense barakah in such gatherings but also tests because Shaytan does not like such associations. However when negativity is present in our lives it is important to exercise patience and persistence, love and sincerity in our spiritual practices and tawba to overcome obstacles. Inshallah, this will make your faith and character more powerful in the long run. Inshallah eventually these challenges will subside but know that tests will be regular to increase light and certainty in our hearts and understanding in the Path of Allah and His Prophet (saws). May Allah increase love and light in your heart.
Wallahu Alam,
Kamau Ayubbi