Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem
Alahumma sale ala Muhammadin wa ala ale Muhammadin wa sallam.
Dear Respected estaff:
Please answer. In the daily awrad, it asks the initiate to read “Allah, Allah” 1500 times. Does that mean that “Allah” one time is read per bead of the rosary (tasbih) or “Allah, Allah” twice is read per bead (with total count of the wird 3000 though only read 1500 times per bead)? Please answer as this has been confusing me and causing doubt.
Jazkallah Khair.
Alahumma sale ala Muhammadin wa ala ale Muhammadin wa sallam.
wa `alaykum salam,
Saying “Allah Allah” 1500 times, means repeat the Divine Name “Allah” 1500 times, or 1500 bead counts.
Taher Siddiqui