darood shareef fast


my question was that i read darood e khizri, and have been readin over a year alhamdulilla in thousands,
and now when i read it alhamdulilla i read it very fast, but at times it will feel as thow i am not pronouncing the wordin of the darood properly.
is this a vasvasa or is it possible, about 2-3 darood shareefs in one second…


wa `alaykum salam,

That is called Tai al-Lisan, the over-extension of the power of the tongue to recite dhikr and salawat very fast. That is ok and allows the seeker to do huge amounts of dhikr in a short time.

As Shaykh Hisham said in a suhbat, dated April 17, 2008:

So that guide  of purification has to every 24 hrs he has to make dhikr of Allah Allah 24,000 times and 5000 times salawat and but if still he has time there are those in that level that some can go up to 700,000 dhikrullah a day and that is what we call Tayy al-Lisan.

يَوْمَ نَطْوِي السَّمَاء كَطَيِّ السِّجِلِّ لِلْكُتُبِ

Yawm natwi as-sama’i katayyi ‘s-sijjili li ‘l-kutubi…

{The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed)} (Surat al-Anbiya, 21:104)

So that is “Folding the Tongue.” As awliyaullah can be one moment here and in another moment in China. You can fold time and space. Like airplanes folded time and space and you can be from here to there where before it took years. And awliyaullah with their feet they have tayy with Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem.

They can be there.

So they have Tayy al-Lisan that in one hour they do 700,000 dhikrullah and 250,00 praise on the Prophet (s). So tell me who from these murshids who call themselves murshids can go to that level of dhikr and salawat?

If it is said, he said, “How that is possible?” “There is,” Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul, said, “from the tongue there is a direct spiritual vein that you cannot see but it is like a vein but it is made from light that connects the tongue to the heart directly. So awliyaullah when they use that channel they cannot go just 700,000 times Allah Allah,  but they can go 70 million times dhikrullah.

If they are able to use that channel, then you know speed of light is 300,000 km/sec. If you put light here and if there is no obstacle, in one second light reaches the moon. 300,000 kilometers in one second the light will move. If you put a candle here they can see it if they have power.

So he said “there is a spiritual channel that goes from tongue to heart. If zhulmah, darkness, is taken away from that channel, sara nouraniyya, it become luminous, shining. With that shining they can reach any number of dhikrullah that no one else can be able to reach.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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