Assalam u alayekum syyedi sheikh Hisham!
I have experienced quite often that when I close my eyes I see some unseen, unimagined scene(s). I don’t imagine them intentionally. I don’t know whether they are waswas or should I call them visions as I am among the worst. In one such vision,when I closed my eyes (but didn’t sleep) I saw a man with noor on his face. His beard had some white hair and some grey/black. He was wearing a black gown and was smiling and looking towards me. (There were 1 or 2 brown marks on one of his cheeks quite similar to our Maulana Sheikh Nazim has on his face). At that moment a thought came to my mind that he is Sahib Uz Zaman Syedna Imam Mahdi Alaye hi Salam. I don’t know whether this thought was right or not.
Please guide me Syyedi.
wa `alaykum salam,
Alhamdulillah, these are visions and you may continue to see these very nice scenes. That one you saw is one of awliyaullah.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani