What are the 17 destructive behaviours that is mentioned in this article? ( And how can I overcome all of them to purify my soul?
wa ‘alaykum salam,
From the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, the 17 destructive traits mentioned are:
- Anger – al-Ghadab
- Love of this world – Hubb ad-dunya
- Malice – Hiqd
- Jealousy – al-Hasad
- Vanity – al-`Ujb
- Stinginess – al-Bukhl
- Avarice – al-Tama`
- Cowardice – al-Jubn
- Indolence – al-Batalah
- Arrogance – al-Kibr
- Ostentation – al-Riya
- Attachment – al-Hirs
- Superiority – al-`Azhamah
- Heedlessness & Laziness – al-Ghabawah wa’l-Kasalah
- Anxiety – al-Hamm
- Depression – al-Ghamm
- The 800 Forbidden Acts – al-Manhiyat
To overcome them and purify your soul obtain, read and follow the guidance in the book:
The Sufi Science of Self Realization by Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani.
Taher Siddiqui