Dear shaykh Gabriel,
A perenialist has said on another, “Especially since the great commentator Tabari believed that salvation is possible for non-Muslims, and he is more than aware of the transmission of Ibn Abbas that supposedly abrogates 2:62 and 5:69. This is not to say that Tabari would have believed in the transcendent or esoteric unity of religions, but it goes to illustrate that our perspective isn’t that far afield as to be labeled categorical heresy,”
1] What was Imam Tabari rahmatullah alayh position on the salavation of non-Muslims? Is the above correct?
Dear shaykh may have some references. References would be useful.
`Alaykum Salam,
al-Tabari (i) validated the view of abrogation cited by Ibn `Abbas, see here; (ii) read the verses mentioned in light of the reports from al-Suddi and Mujahid that such salvation is for the believers of Ahl al-Kitab before the time of the Prophet Muhammad (upon him blessings and peace); and (iii) otherwise in his tafsir, Tahdhib al-Aathaar and Tabsir Uli al-Nuha considered that salvation was not possible for non-Muslims. And Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril Haddad