Feeling like I’m gonna die


Assalamu alaykum ya Sulthanul Awliya Syeikh Nazim, and Mawlana Syeikh Hisyam.

My name is [private]. I have a question that I want to be asked many days ago. Someday in Jumu’ah, after go home from mosque praying Shalah Jumuah. I feel something different with heart. I always want to call Allah Allah in my heart. When I feel it, I call Allah Allah Allah….. I almost can’t take a breath. I feel so good in my heart but it’s so difficult with my breath. As if my breath will locked and stopped. I wonder why my breath is stopped and feel will died.

Ya Syeikh, would you help me to explain to me why it is because, or what happen to me?
Or is it because I so so so so sooooooooooo….. many sins in my life.

Thank you very much ya Syeikh.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.



Alhamdulillah, Allah Almighty has just dressed you with His Divine Name on a Blessed Friday for a glimpse of its majesty and beauty. It is a gift. Keep dhikrullah, and He shall open more for you, Insha Allah.

Abdul Shakur

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