Finding answer from Al Quran


I have applied looking Al Quran randomly to find any answer for my daily life questions.
I applied this method long time ago to find my husband, I said ‘ Allah, who is my husband?’ I opened Al Quran randomly then my eyes fell on name Musa, because I was curious and I repeated the question and opened again randomly, then my eyes fell on word Ibraheem. Later, a pious Jewish man came into my life.
After two years knowing him, I start thinking it is possibly him the one, because when I try to relate the verses codes; Musa and Ibraheem.
He is a prophet Musa follower and of Bani Israil, Prophet Ibraheem ‘s descendant. And another interesting thing is his name is a prophet name, Noah. My questions: am I on right way to find my future husband? Is he the one?
Thank you so much.


wa `alaykum salam,

This is a valid method of approach to receiving guidance from Allah swt in your life. However it is only truly effective under the training and guidance of a Sufi Shaykh.

The meaning so far is that you will meet a man of the faith of Sayyidina Musa (as) and to find the safety of Noah (as), you must go to the original Way of Sayyidina Ibrahim (as):

{Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah’s (Which is Islam)} (3:67)

The final form of Sayyidina Ibrahim’s guidance (as) appear in his most blessed offspring Sayyidina Muhammad (s). If your Jewish friend accepts the Path of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) then he is “the one”.  If he does not he is not halal to marry and so look elsewhere.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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