AS-Salamu-Alaykum to all, especially his holiness MSH.
I am a new and would like to know what are the adabs when visiting his holiness MSN. Also I have been recently to my local Naqshbandi zikr gathering where one khalifa of his holiness MSN claims that he has be given the staff of the Grandsheikh sheikh Abdullah Daghestani (ra). I would like to know if this is true as this issue is causing fitna between some murids. JazakAllah. Please forgive my weak adab and please do dua for me.
Adab with Mawlana is to submit to all the obstacles you face and don’t get angry.
This is a lie. Grandshaykh’s staff is with me. I have it since Mawlana left dunya it is here in the closet. That staff is the one belonging to Ghazi Muhammad who fought with Shaykh Shamyl. Grandshaykh had no other cane than this one. So, anyone who says they have that staff, they are lying. We took a photo and we are posting it on eShaykh. I have Mawlana’s jubbah, his miswak and his turban, I have his beads and I have his robe in which he was washed after passing from this dunya. This staff has secrets and he put it in front of the Qadi and the Qadi was trembling.
One time there was an issue where Grandshaykh’s son-in-law Nazir ash-Shama, was being sought for investigation by police and he was hiding in Grandshaykh’s house. The Chief of Police came to Grandshaykh’s house, accompanied by several policemen and said, “Is Nazir Ash-Shama here?” Grandshaykh said, “Yes he is here come and get him!” and he put the staff in front of his face, like that, and it was like two lions are coming from the cane to eat that chief. He was shaking with fear and told Grandshaykh,”Go, go, no problem, he may go.” and he and his men ran away.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani