Assalamu allaykum Dear Shuyukh, May ALLAH SWT grant you the best of the best. Dear Shaykh, I am a student from Uzbekistan currently studying in Sweden.
Shaykh Nazim qs in his recent suhbat has given general permission for khalwat for 10 days only (from the 29 of Dhul Qa`dah up to just before Eid), inshaAllah, alhamdulillah. Dear Shaykh inshAllah I want to go for it as i feel need for it, but i am afraid to fail without proper guidance and conditions. Unfortunatelly, there are no any Haqqani Dergahs in Sweden. Therefore, if it is possible could you please give some Haqqani center or some guide around Sweden (I think the best option would be Germany) who would agree to host and guide me to perform the khalwat.
Thank you very much! Please make dua for me to have proper manners.
wa `alaykum salam,
Since you have no dergah nearby you may intend the khalwat and perform it in your own home. Make an isolated area in one room where you keep to yourself and spend your time, and insha-Allah with that intention your khalwat will be accepted.
Taher Siddiqui