Ibn Ata’Allah’s Hikam


Salams ,

I’ve just got a couple of questions about the hikmas.

In chapter 6:

Let no sin reach such proportions in your eyes that it cuts you off from having a good opinion of God… I was just wondering how a sin would lead to this?

And: (same chapter): There is no minor sin when His justice confronts you…. (I dont understand this).

And same chapter again: No deed is more fruitful for the heart than the one you are not aware of and which is deemed paltry by you —What would an example of this be?


Alaykum Salam,

They are all based on Ayat and hadith and we advise that you read it with a teacher. First is prohibition of despair, 2nd prohibition of overconfidence, and 3rd is a small good deed which is completely devoid of riya‘ and is thus turned into a great one.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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