Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
1. What is the importance or significance of reciting the Shajra Shareef daily?Is there any spiritual benefit in it?
2. Does this benefit also come down on the person listening to it?(even if they are non-muslim?)
3. Does each Shaykh whose name is mentioned become present?and do they all dress you with different spiritual ranks?
4. What is the best time and adab of recitng the Shajra Shareef?
wa `alaykum salam,
The answer to question 3 is “yes” and is the answer to question 1. Of course any listener will benefit, the Muslim by raising in ranks and forgiveness of sins and by the prayers and intercession of the mentioned shuyukh for perhaps an uncountable number of things and for a non-Muslim intercession towards their guidance to Islam, and Allah knows best.Best time is before Fajr or between Fajr and sunrise, or after `Asr or after Maghrib. For the adab see the book: Naqshband Awrad.