While sitting in Karachi, Pakistan Can I do Bayah with Shaykh Nazim?


I saw Hazrat Mujadid Alif sani’s dream and Tahir Siddiqui said consult Shaykh Nazim. I am a 28 yrs, unmarried girl. Me and my mother wants to do Bayah with Shaykh Nazim. Is there any way that we can do it while staying in Karachi because it is not possible for us to come to Cyprus but our heart wants to join this Naqshband group. It is our wish to do Bayah and to have spiritual uplift of our heart int the way to Allah. Please tell me.


wa `alaykum salam,

Do baya` online at the Naqshbandi website and then begin attending the Dhikr Majlis in Karachi.

Taher Siddiqui

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