Esselamu alejkum Ya Seydi Šejh Hisham efendi Ya Seyidi forgive me if I believe I already have one so I asked the questions not answered Ya Seyidi question I have four questions:
1) How and how to achieve happiness and love the Lord and His Prophet with. AVS
2) How to achieve a permanent connection to Shaykh Nazim ks
3) The question of living with Werd which will achieve a greater spiritual force of
4) In this video I explain where Mevlana suggests that sano is Rabbit running on Bejtullahu or Rewdu http://
5) Safar Werd: Would Allah Arrahman Arrahim Today is the beginning of the month of Safar, starting on the morning of Tuesday, and the Solar Eclipse is one of the small signs of Judgement Day. Safar Wird is as follows: 3 times daily Shahada 300 Isteghfar Daily Charity are only during the month of Safer
wa ‘alaykum salam,
a’udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
1) to achieve happiness, sit and say la ilaha ill ‘Llah in your spare time. That is the Key to Paradise.
2) Keep your heart with the Shaykh, because he is always with you, and follow his advice.
3) unclear question.
4) unclear question.
5) Keep up what you can do consistently.
w ‘Allahu `alam,
Kamau Ayyubi