Need Direction


Asalam o Alikum Wr Wb,

I need assistance on following matters:
1. To control my furious anger
2. To overcome constant feelings of physical & spiritual filthiness
3. To get peace & purification of mind & heart
4. To take step towards spirituality
5. To associate myself with a dedicated mentor for step by step guidance
Please do pray for my hadayat, good life partner & that Allah take some noble work from me as of sadaq e Jariah. (Ameen)




Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

MashaAllah you have blessed goals and intentions.

You may practice the following:

1. For Anger recite Ya Halim 100x daily, preferably before Fajr. Meditate on Allah’s
Attribute of Hilm. You may be tested by anger but work on not expressing it but digesting it and using wudu to cool the fire of Anger.

2. One ghusl per day. Keep wudu and tahiyyat al wudu as much as possible. Remember that you are of the Ummah of Muhammad (saws) habibullah and that your original nature is fitra.  Have a good opinion of Allah’s care for you for this sake. Remember the hadith ‘My intercession is for the big sinners of my Nation’ when you feel overwhelmed by sins and negativity, ask for the Shafa’a of Prophet (saws) and be confident on his mercy.

3. Make salawat and istighfar, build your hearts relationship with Prophet (saws) and his family and inheritors, the Awliya.  You can meditate on the Ka’abah Shareef or Rawdah Shareef.

4. These regular actions will activate your spirituality. Spend more time is sajdah and taffakur (meditation) regularly.

5. Listen to the teachings of the Sufi Shuyukh Such as Shaykh Hisham and Shaykh Nazim and write down what you hear. When your heart finds peace with a Shaykh, keep company with their talks and associations and take baya’ah on line or in person if possible.

6. May you taste Allah’s Mercy and Peace and find a good, kind and upright partner. May Allah bless you with Sadaqah Jariya.

Wallahu Alam.

Kamau Ayubbi

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