Uncertainty, Nine Points in Heart


I have been exploring the Naqshbandi Tariqa for some time. I have had a very positive experience with Maulana Hisham Kabbani, and the murshids I’ve met, and am very drawn to the practices I’ve read about, seen and taken part in. But I am uncertain about some of the teachings of the order that seem to specify details of the unseen not mentioned in the Qur’an or Sunna. One of these are the nine points in the heart, each governed by a Naqshbandi shaykh. I don’t want to sound challenging or confrontational in any way — but must an initiate of the order accept these kinds of teachings as factual truth? How important is acceptance of the teachings on the Sultanate to becoming an initiate? I have a real fear — not to throw out a Salafi term — of bida in belief.


Alhamdulillah, may Allah make you feel more contented with the Shuyukh.

You are uncertain because you haven’t made Bay’ah hence you haven’t learnt much yet. There is a gradual progression in learning and practicing. At this point it is sufficient that you appreciate the base matters before going further.

However there is a way for you to understand. Step (1) make the Bay’ah here. Step (2) practice the daily Awrad. Step (3) try to be in the company of the Shaykh as our Way is built on association (Suhbah). Soon enough you shall receive understanding and certainty.

Abdul Shakur

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