Number 43


Assalmouilaikoum to Sayyidi and all :)

I have got a strange question. Ever since I was a child most of the time whenever I check the time ( digital ones ), I always see either it is 01.43, 02.43, 03.43, etc… etc . Most of all 19.43… this is funny. The same thing happen when I check time in my mobile mobile phone. I always get to see this number 43 as if it has any significance in my life. This goes on . . so master, do you have have any explanation why it may be so? Because as far as I know Allah swt controls everything and He is all knowing.  Coincidences do not happen…


wa ‘alaykum salam,

Look at the verses of Qur’an ending in 43 and meditate deeply on each one, for particular guidance to yourself. For those with less than 43 verses, look at the 4+3 = 7th verse. And Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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