Salam Ya Sayydi!
Inshallah forgive your worst mureed. I had a question, Ya Sayydi. My question is to Inshallah in March when we celebrate Eid Al Mawlid Al Nabi, if I can have permission to talk about Mawlid and awliya inshallah. Alhumdulillah from watching your blessed speeches (sohbet) I have understood what you have said, Ya Sayydi. But I still no nothing as I am no one. Inshallah with the Madad of Allah(swt) and our Shaykh Sultan Al Awliya Hazrat Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani(RA) I can talk about these things inshallah. Alhumdulillah as my great great great grandfather was a awliya as you know Sayydi, I ould love to talk about Allah(swt) blessed Wali allah with your permission.
Jasak allah Ya Sayydi! May Allah give our shaykh shifa and long life! And inshallah to you to Sayydi! Jasakallah. May Allah(swt), the Prophet(saw) and my Shaykh forgive me.
`Alaykum Salam,
Amin. Go ahead but give references.
Hajj Gibril Haddad