Psychic Abilities


Salam Maulana Shaykh and eshaykh team,

I would like to know about a person that have an ability to feel others feeling by looking at them and thru picture is pure ability. Like the psychic people. This happen with my brother that he can know the inner part of a person by looking at the picture. He get to see Sufi person picture and said he is full of spirituality of his life. He can feel what others feel. This ability become more powerful as he practice and focus (I don’t know how). He also can communicate with Jinn.

What is your opinion about this ability and how to deal with it? My brother is 19 and not a religious person.


`Alaykum Salam,

Gifts of physiognomy, insight (firasa), inspiration (ilham) are fully developed in spiritual persons who communicate with the world of light, i.e. Awliya and Prophet, while progressing to Allah Most High. Their equivalents in non-spiritual persons is entrapment by shaytan preparing to throw them into misguidance. Your brother should beware that “communicating with jinn” opens the door to darkness every time more and more. He should begin by keeping Salat on time if he does not do so already, and be assured that communicating with the world of light is better without compare.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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