Quranic part of the Awrad?


Dear Shaykh, Assalamu alaykum,

Towards the end of the Awrad for the Initiate we can say Surah Ikhlas 100 times OR one thirtieth of the Quran. One thirtieth of the Quran means what, please? One thirtieth of the Quran is 3.8 Surahs, so exactly what can I read? I am really perplexed. Can you please clarify dear Shuyukh?? Salams to all. Jazak Allah bi Khayr.


The Quran is traditionally up into 30 equal-length sections known as juz. These are marked on most mushafs in Arabic and also in the more common translations. You would read 0ne of these 30th’s per day.

Taher Siddiqui

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