Some students were asking about a website attributed to Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, and a particular prayer . I have not come across this prayer before, and the website is an unverified wordpress site. I thought best to ask you about this.
Regarding the statement:
“Whoever makes up a missed obligatory prayer in the last Jumua in Ramadan, it will compensate for all the prayers he missed for up to seventy years.”
Mulla `Ali al-Qari said in his encyclopedia of forgeries: “This is a categorical falsehood as it contradicts the Consensus that no single act of worship can compensate for something missed for years.”
The Mujaddid Imam `Abd al-Hayy al-Laknawi has a monograph on this chainless forgery and its variant wordings (which include lies attributed to the Prophet, Abu Bakr, `Ali, etc.) entitled Rad` al-Ikhwan `an Muhdathat Akhir Jumu`at Ramadan (Deterring the Brethren Against the Inventions Related to the Last Jumua of Ramadan) which was published in 1999.
The forgery is based on a false inference from a hadith states that every fard salat prayed in Ramadan has 70 times its reward in other than Ramadan. Al-Qari and al-Laknawi pointed out that such reward never pre-empts the hadith from Anas b. Malik in Bukhari and Muslim which explicitly states that the Prophet said (upon him blessings and peace), “The only make-up of any missed Salat is to pray the latter Salat. There is no other kaffara for it.” If spread over several years then one calculates the number of prayers missed and makes them up one by one per consensus of all four Madhhabs.
Hajj Gibril Haddad