Sincere respect for all Shayukhs


I have been reading Q/Answers on eshaykh since a few months, and that inspired me to take a baya.. When I’m heart broken and lonely I check out your site. The guidance here gives me hope and inspiration….my heart confirms that I love all shaykhs for the sake of Allah, and may Allah reward each one of you immensely for your guidance. This is just to THANK YOU! My respects and salam to all shaykhs (including sisters), Sheikh Nazim, Shk, Hisham, and Shk. Gibril Haddad. Please pray for my guidance and me to find contentment of the heart in Allah, here and hereafter. Ameen.


May Allah give you contentment here and hereafter, thank you for your message. In sha Allah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (Allah bless his secret) are praying for you.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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