Prayer Request: Tariqat


Aslam Alaikum to the respected Shuyukhs, May Allah give you a very long life and shower his infinite blessings upon you and your family.

I am a humble speck seeking the love of the Beloved, SalAllahu Alahi Wasallam. However, I need a spiritual guide who could help this unworthy thing reach the door step of our Master, SalAllahu Alahi Wasallam. Recently, I have started feeling close to Mawlana Shaykh and his eminence holds a special place in my heart. I humbly request you to please make dua for me so that it may become clear to me, perhaps through a dream, who my Shaykh e Kamil is.

My name is [private].

JazakAllah, thank you very much for your time.



You may make your bay’ah online here.Then follow the instructions and at the bottom, fill up the Detailed Contact Form and submit it. We shall be in touch with you soon.

Abdul Shakur

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