Asalamualaykum wr wb,
Mawlana shaykh saib,i wanted to know, how to achieve tayy al lisan? what do i have to do? i want to be able to do a lot of dhikr, but i’m really weak and need help.
Can i get permission to work at a bank because i read somewhere that its not allowed to work at any position in a place that deals with riba even if i’m the person who is the security guard? If i do or dont get permission please mawlana pray for my and families and muslims success in this life and hereafter. May allah swt honor you even more and constantly raise your maqams. Mawalan i love you a lot, you dont even know me and you help me. i come to tears when i think of your greatness. mashallah. asalamulaykum. jazakallahkhair.
wa `alaykum salam,
Regarding Tayy al-Lisan, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani gives a hint how to achieve it in a suhbat, dated March 29, 2009:
Allah is not waiting for us to make salawat on the Prophet (s). He ordered us to make salawat, but he and his angels are doing salawat in every moment. By Allah’s orders angels are yusalloon wa la yazaaloon – they are praising and not stopping. They are not in need of our doing salawat on the Prophet (s).
I will leave that with you. That is the code.
I know some people – don’t smile and don’t laugh – because I have to take example and you have to take example. I saw people who are reading 1 million salawat on the Prophet (s). That is by means of tayy al-lisan. Allah will fold your tongue. There are people with tayy al-lisan. That is because Allah put light on their tongue. When the light of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) moves, it traverses the whole heavens. They do salawat even when they are talking with people they are doing salawat in their heart in spite of that.
For some more information about tayy al-lisan, see the Post “Darood shareef fast“.
See the Post “Working in Banking software making company”.
Taher Siddiqui