Wazifas impact on each other



I want to start reciting Dua Dawood Alaysallam for which you have given general permission. I have two questions:

a) What is the correct pronunciation? Sometimes I see Allah humma layyin qalbi, sometimes qalba. Same with hadidi and hadida, layyin and layyan. I would be very grateful if you could clarify the correct pronunciation.

b) While doing this wazifa, can I do other wazifas for the same purpose? Some people say if you do more than one wazifa for the same purpose at a given time, they both become ineffective and some say it’s ok to do more than one wazifa at a time for the same purpose. I would be very grateful if you could help resolve this.

I seek your blessings. Please keep me in your prayers so I may lead a life filled with love, happiness, success, peace and be capable of helping others.


Alaykum Salam,

May Allah give you that and more. Pronunciation is all with a not i. Use 1 wazifa for 40 days then the next; if no result move on.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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