What should be cleaned, purified first?


Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,

I want to ask, I am doing beginners awrad since last Ramdan but I feel my heart and chest locked and filled with kufur. After doing hard and no results I broke my virtual baya with MSN via the online-baya-text because I do not see any cure since this long time. I don’t know why I pulled back again and again to this tariqa and MSN. From everywhere thrown out, from masjid no-entry calls me munafiq, no friends, remain in house 24 hours, parents feel doubt & anger when see me reading awrad. I feel from inside like a balloon filled to its maximum limit and will blast any time. Today I get question suddenly:

What should one clean/purify first, body, heart, soul or something else?
From where one should start cleaning/purification process?
What steps, process, sohbas you suggest for beginner and dirtiest one.

Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah.


Alaykum Salam,

First comes belief which is a light Allah throws in the heart; then comes shahada, then salat. So the first thing is to be pure from doubt and accept Allah; second is to purify tongue from unbelief and utter the testimony of faith; then to wash body and pray. Don’t be angry but give thanks and make istighfar to solve problems.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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