Dream: Ya sayyidi please help !


Asalamoalikum,Hope all of you would be fine.This is third time, i am writing an email. I havent got answer of my previous two questions sent a month ago. I am very hopeful that i will get answer this time. I took the bayah online after ramadan and doing awrad of “Level 1” and after month or so increased dikhr. I have seen lot of dreams after my bayah but bit worried that i never saw Moulana Sheikh Nazim in my dreams. I loved him and May Allah increase this love. It is true that i am very weak one and always try to do good. I am working as IT consultant and also married.I hope you guide me in right way, what is the best awrad for me. I also did muraqbah twice and feel awrah. It was very nice experience.
Give my salam, kiss to sheikh Hisham
Allah hafiz


Walaikum Assalam,

Don’t worry about not seeing Mawlana in your dreams. InshaAllah you will get to see him in dream and in reality. The best awrad for you are the one you can do consistently everyday. You can increase the daily beginner awrad only if you are sure you can perform them daily. Do not try to do too much where you may do one day and skip another.

Ali Elsayed

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