alopecia (bald patches on head)


salaamaliakum! I pray Allah gives our Maulana Shiekh Nazim and Shiekh Hisham very long life and good life. Please could I kindly ask our Maulana some advise on alopecia. I have a condition affecting my hair and I seem to be getting several bald patches on my head. I have tried everything; prayer, dham blessed oil etc. However none seem to be working. I understand this is Allah’s choice! Please could you provide me with some advice on how to overcome this condition. Thank you and Allah hafiz


The Sunnah of the Prophet (s) is to shave the head, so if it is coming bald it means Allah swt is granting you a Sunnah for which you will be rewarded as the Prophet (s) said, man ahya sunnati `inda fasad ummati lahu ajar mi’ah shahid. “If someone holds onto my sunnah in the time of corruption of my Nation will receive the reward of 100 martyrs.”

Many Sahaba and awliyaullah used to pray asking Allah to take their soul as shahid, yet by this Sunnah you get reward of 100 martyrs so easily. so if you are bald of patchy that might be Allah gives  you that opportunity and Allah wants to give  you that opportunity. Don’t listen to this one and that, if you are not married, still too many ladies will accept you insha-Allah if you do that for Allah and His Prophet (s).  And if you do, ladies will run to you, but marry only one.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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