Mentioning Syed before name


Assalam u alayekum ya syyedi !
I belong from a syed family.But i dont mention the prefix syed with my name because due to some negligences in past, syed is not in my official name.So,does it matter?
Also guide me that whether a syed marry a non-syed (Be it from any school i.e salafi,wahabbi,shia,ahl e sunnat wal jamat,tablighi,etc)?
And forgive me if i sounded rude.


`Alaykum salam

Title is for people to help them get reward and love by respecting you as a descendant of Rasulullah (s). But as for yourself keep the title in your heart it is more important there.
Imam al-Shafi`i said: “Shari`ah-wise a syed may marry a non-syed but do not ask me to recommend it.”

However if the syed is the husband then there is no issue insha-Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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