Salam-aleykum wrb may Allah almighty bless you all at eshaykh, and bless our guide Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani ameen.
I have a question regarding the use of miswak/siwak.
Does it increase the rewards of;
– Salah
– Dhikr
– reciting Qu’ran
And if so by how much?
JazakAllah it means a lot.
Wa `alaykum salam,
Amin. Yes, a Prophetic hadith states that a salat with siwak has the merit of 70 without. Narrated from the mother of the believers `A’isha (Allah be well-pleased with her) by Imam Ahmad in the Musnad, Ibn Khuzayma in his Sahih, al-Bazzar, al-Hakim, and others. Mulla `Ali al-Qari in his monograph Ma`rifat al-Nussak fi Ma`rifat al-Siwak said its multiple chains raise it to the rank of fair (hasan). Allah have mercy on all of them.
Hajj Gibril Haddad