Tag Archives: aman
Dream about Isa (as)
Salaam this is a question regarding a dream my mother had. she dreamt that she was looking out a window & saw isa walking on water towards her, she just had a feeling it was him. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) riding a lion
many years ago i saw a dream where i saw myself floating high up in the air looking down on the ground, where on a moonlit, bright and beautiful night… Continue reading
Dream: Prophets are alive
In this dream the Messenger of Allah Nebi Suleyman handed me a letter in a closed envelope and told me to hand it or give it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) and when I handed it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) in the same dream, he immediately took it from me but without opening it told me and the people (did not see people but felt so) that this an indication of what he was saying before that prophets are alive…