Tag Archives: break wudu
Shafii Fiqh of Salat
I would like to ask a few brief questions about salaat in the Shafi madhaab. As we have finally chosen the Shafi madhaab to follow… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged ablution, break wudu, breaking ablution, broken wudu, conditions of ablution, fiqh, follower, imam, Imam Shafi`i, lust, opposite sex, prayer leader, reciting Fatiha, Shafi`i School, touching
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Marriage for aunty and wudu
Secondly I would like to know if, touching a person of the opposite sex breaks your wudu… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged ablution, break wudu, gender, Hanafi School, invalidate, lustful thoughts, money exchange, opposite sex, touch, wudu
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