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Tag Archives: easy
marriage proposal
My dear Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and eshaykh staff.
My name is [private]. As per order of Mawlana Shaykh I have been searching for a wife. Alhamdulillah I have found a girl (her name is [private], daughter of [private]) Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged choosing a spouse, easy, parental objection, same culture marriages, two choices
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Moving with my family
I wanted to ask whether it is good for us to move to Manchester with my family. I am considering other places too but want to ask whether this will be good for us. Continue reading
Dream: Beer
in my dream I was drinking a yellowish beer and I got light headed and my uncle was criticizing me for doing that in my dream… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged alcohol consumption, beer, corrupt activity, criticizing, difficult time, drinking, easy, haram income, hopeless, hopes, intoxicant, light headed, morning, real life, uncle
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the best wird for me
Q: There are so many awra’aid; I cannot perform them all. What is the best wird for me specifically, that I should recite everyday to draw nearer to Allah (swt), and to be more successful in both spiritual and worldly affairs?
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