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Tag Archives: fasting exemption
1. My mother is a diabetic and heart patient who is in her 60s, she has always fasted and this year she has had a lot of pain in her body from various illnesses as noted. Please advise if she is able to fast, and if not what she needs to do. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged Fasting, fasting exemption, feed poor, health problems, make-up fasts, pregnant, ramadan
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Mother of a disabled child and fasting in Ramadan
I’ve a 2 year-old disabled child. I take care of her & drive her to therapy everyday. Plus I started a new oxygen treatment for her which I’ve to be part of. This treatment raises my metabolism. During the month of Ramadan… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged Fasting, fasting exemption, fasting with children, fatigue, obligations of fasting, sick child
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I’m a 3rd year student & our curriculum entails doing 2 subjects at a time. However, the 1 is a semester subject (complete it over 2 terms) & the other is a 6 week subject. This makes it very hectic because the subject… Continue reading