Tag Archives: problems breathing
Feeling like I’m gonna die
I feel something different with heart. I always want to call Allah Allah in my heart. When I feel it, I call Allah Allah Allah….. I almost can’t take a breath…. Continue reading
Breathless during Dhikr & Recitations
I have a friend who sometimes gets a very heavy feeling in her chest and becomes breathless when she recites…i Continue reading
Prayer Request: Niece has Seizures
I’m extremely worried about my niece and who has recently started having seizures. Her episodes are so strange before it starts her eyes become bloodshot… Continue reading
Dangerous Heart Pain
I have danger pain in my heart and problem intaking breath , i have request to shaykh for salah and do me some wazeefa…. Continue reading
Breathing problems
Since i have been married, i have had some breathing problems and other health problems, the main/regular one is that when i am asleep, i stop breathing Continue reading